S2 Anti-Terrorism Officer Course – ZOOM
ZOOM | 29 November-10 December 2021
On 29 November-10 December 2021, the S2 Institute, in conjunction with the International Association of Counterterrorism and Security Professionals (IACSP) will be presenting a special 2-week webinar edition of the 40-hour S2 Anti-Terrorism Officer (ATO) Course using the Zoom web conferencing system.
This special course will be conducted over the two-week period, Mondays-Fridays, according to the following daily time schedule:
- US Eastern Standard Time: 08:00-11:30
- Central European Time: 14:00-17:30
- Gulf Central Time: 16:00-19:30
- US Eastern Standard Time: 08:00-11:30
Summary of topics include:
The S2/IACSP Anti-Terrorism Officer (ATO) Course is designed to prepare security and law enforcement professionals for assignments involving the protection of facilities against terrorist attack. This program provides a detailed exploration of contemporary terrorist methods and essential skills and knowledge that all anti-terrorism personnel should possess.
Introduction to Terrorism • Dynamics of Terrorist Attacks • Advanced IED Threat M.O. • Chem-Bio Terrorism • AT Countermeasures & Planning Concepts • Protective Counterintelligence/OPSEC • Physical Security and Access Control Planning • Blast Mitigation and Facility Design • Mail Security Planning • Bomb Threat Management • Suspect IED & VBIED Response • Post-Blast Response • Chem-Bio Attack Response
Course Information Packet
NOTE: The outline in the accodion below applies to the 5-day classroom version of this program. See the Course Information Packet for a daily outline of the 10-day Zoom version.
Group enrollment discounts are available. Contact us for details.
Craig Gundry
Restriction Level
Level 2 – Verified Security Professionals & Law Enforcement Only
Presentation Time
40-Hrs/10 Days
(US EST 8:00am to 11:30am)
Security Professionals, Force Protection Officers, LE Professionals Assigned to Anti-Terrorism Activities
- Recognizing risks associated with contemporary terrorism including an in-depth understanding of contemporary terrorist modus operandi.
- Understanding technical characteristics of explosive events, CBRN weapons, IEMI threats, and ballistic weapons necessary for designing effective protective measures.
- Identifying security requirements essential to reducing terrorism-related risk.
- Assessing facility risks and utilizing risk management principles in anti-terrorism planning.
- Implementing Operations Security (OPSEC) and protective counterintelligence principles to impair terrorists’ ability to gather target intelligence.
- Designing and specifying physical security measures for effective performance against terrorist armed attack and IED delivery scenarios.
- Developing effective entry control measures for validating, screening, and searching entrants at facility and building entry points.
- Identifying hazardous devices, possible device components, and risks associated with hazardous devices.
- Designing and specifying protective measures and facility improvements for mitigation of projected charge weapon, IED, chem-bio, and IEMI attacks.
- Developing an effective mail screening and security program.
- Recognizing indications of terrorist attack or impending terrorist events.
- Developing a facility-level Incident Command System and designing effective infrastructure to support emergency response operations.
- Developing safe and effective procedures for responding to a full spectrum of terrorist attack scenarios.
- The Certified Anti-Terrorism Officer
- ATO Skills
- IACSP cATO Certification Process
- Introduction to Terrorism
- Ideological Motives & Actors
- Strategic Objectives
- Types of Terrorist Targets
- Target Selection Criteria
- Categories of Terrorism Related Risk
- Terrorist Planning and Execution Phases
- Threat: Explosive Attacks
- Types of Explosive Devices
- Blast Dynamics
- Technical Characteristics of Explosives
- Common Explosives
- Unique IED Construction Methods
- Activation
- Device Concealment
- Damage Potential
- IED Delivery and Attack Scenarios
- Projected Charge Weapons
- Installation Devices
- Unique Terrorist M.O.
- Threat: Chemical & Biological Terrorism
- Why Use CB Agents?
- Historical CB Terrorists & Incidents
- Threat: Chemical & Biological Terrorism (cont.)
- Terrorist vs Military Agents
- Routes of Exposure
- Symptoms
- Chemical Agents
- Agents of Biological Origin
- Dissemination of CB Agents
- Chemical & Biological Terrorist Attack Scenarios Against Facilities/Orgs
- Risk Management & Anti-Terrorism Security Planning
- Risk Management Principles
- Integrated Countermeasures Strategy
- Adapting Risk Management Strategy to Application
- Operations Security (OPSEC) & Protective Counterintelligence
- Terrorist Intelligence Requirements
- Terrorist Intelligence Collection Methods
- Information Security
- Employee/Contractor Screening & Monitoring
- Surveillance Detection Measures
- Suspicious Activity Reporting & Analysis
- Physical Security & Entry Control
- Physical Protection System (PPS) Theory & Design Principles
- Intrusion Detection & Attack Recognition Systems
- Physical Security & Entry Control (cont.)
- Area Surveillance
- Officer Posts & Patrols
- IED Delivery Indicators
- Control Rooms
- Barriers
- Anti-Personnel Barriers
- AP Barriers & Delay Time
- Intrusion-Resistance Standards
- Ballistic Barrier Construction & Specification
- Protective Layer Design
- Façade and Entrance Design
- Secure Lobby Design
- Safe Rooms
- Anti-Personnel Barriers
- Egress Design
- Response Force Planning
- Personnel Selection & Training
- Tactical Response Strategies
- Vehicle Barriers
- Vehicle Entry Point Design
- Entry Control
- Planning Considerations
- Entrant Verification Methods & Applications
- Contraband Screening Technologies
- Human Entry Screening Procedures
- SPBIED Detection and Containment
- Vehicle Entry Screening Procedures
- Facility Design and Mitigative Measures
- Limiting Concealment Opportunities
- Protection Against Projected Charge Attacks
- UAVBIED/Drone Countermeasures
- Blast Mitigation & Facility Design
- Minimizing Fragmentation Hazards
- Blast Walls
- Structural Design to Mitigate Progressive Collapse
- Façade Construction & Fenestration
- Emergency Access & Evacuation Requirements
- Protection of Building Subsystems
- Utilization & Protective Asset Positioning
- Chemical & Biological Attack Risk Mitigation
- Measures for Protection Against Contaminated Consumable Attacks
- HVAC System Protection
- Facility Design
- ColPro & HVAC Filtration Systems
- IEMI Protection
- Conducted IEMI Protection
- Radiated IEMI Protection
- Mail Security
- Mail Security Planning
- Physical Mail Screening
- Mail Screening Technologies
- Response to Hazardous Mailings
- Suspect Mail Bomb Response
- Response to Contaminated Mailings
- Response to Terrorist Incidents
- Incident Response Scenarios
- Response Priorities
- Responsibilities & Incident Command Systems
- Communications Systems and Infrastructure Design
- Active Shooter/Terrorist Armed Attack Response Planning
- Bomb Threat Response Planning
- Search and Response Approaches & Procedures
- Response to Suspicious Objects
- Suspicious Vehicle Response
- Alert & Refuge Procedures
- TSWG Evacuation and Refuge Guidelines
- Post-Blast Response
- Localized Bombings
- Conventional Weapon of Mass Destruction Incidents
- Chemical & Biological Attack Response
- Public Safety Response Sequence
- CB Attack Recognition
- Response to Indoor Aerosol/Vapor Attacks
- Emergency Decontamination
- Response to Outdoor Aerosol/Vapor Attacks
- Shelter-In-Place Procedures (CB incidents)
- Shelter-in-Place during Radiological and Nuclear Events
- Shelter-In-Place Procedures (CB incidents)
- Response to Covert CB Attacks
IACSP Certified Anti-Terrorism Officer (cATO®) Professional Certification

In addition to providing 40-hours of instruction on topics essential to protecting facilities against terrorist attack, the S2 Anti-Terrorism Officer (ATO) course is designed to prepare program participants for independent certification through the International Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals Certified Anti-Terrorism Officer (cATO®) Program.
In order to be awarded with the IACSP cATO™ certification, eligible candidates are required to complete and successfully pass a 50-question examination based on content included in the S2 Institute ATO course.
Information about the IACSP Certified Anti-Terrorism Officer application, examination, and certification process is available online: www.catocertification.org.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Attending the S2 Anti-Terrorism Officer course does not guarantee award of IACSP cATO® certification. All course graduates pursuing certification after attending the program must meet essential eligibility criteria and complete the independent application and certification process including successful completion of the cATO® examination.
- Nov 29 2021 - Dec 10 2021
- Expired!
See listing for time zone information- 8:00 am - 11:30 am
- $1,100.00