S2 Anti-Terrorism Officer Course – Copenhagen
Anti-Terrorism Officer Course
Copenhagen, Denmark | 9-13 November 2020
On 10-14 August 2020, the S2 Institute, in conjunction with the International Association of Counterterrorism and Security Professionals (IACSP) and Seccon Security & Consulting, will be presenting a five-day, 40-hour version of the S2 Anti-Terrorism Officer (ATO) Course in Nairobi, Kenya.
The S2/IACSP Anti-Terrorism Officer (ATO) Course is designed to prepare security and law enforcement professionals for assignments involving the protection of facilities against terrorist attack. This program provides a detailed exploration of contemporary terrorist methods and essential skills and knowledge that all anti-terrorism personnel should possess.
The information presented in this course reflects best practices in anti-terrorism, physical security, and emergency preparation as may be applied to a wide range of commercial and government facilities. The measures presented in this course are based on the instructor’s decades of experience in managing risks of terrorist violence, critical evaluation of hundreds of terrorist attacks, and analysis of methods for managing terrorism-related problems pioneered by organizations throughout the world.
Summary of topics include:
Introduction to Terrorism • Dynamics of Terrorist Attacks • Advanced IED Threat M.O. • Chem-Bio Terrorism • AT Countermeasures & Planning Concepts • Protective Counterintelligence/OPSEC • Physical Security and Access Control Planning • Blast Mitigation and Facility Design • Mail Security Planning • Bomb Threat Management • Suspect IED & VBIED Response • Post-Blast Response • Chem-Bio Attack Response
- Recognizing risks associated with contemporary terrorism including an in-depth understanding of contemporary terrorist modus operandi.
- Understanding technical characteristics of explosive events, CBRN weapons, IEMI threats, and ballistic weapons necessary for designing effective protective measures.
- Identifying security requirements essential to reducing terrorism-related risk.
- Assessing facility risks and utilizing risk management principles in anti-terrorism planning.
- Implementing Operations Security (OPSEC) and protective counterintelligence principles to impair terrorists’ ability to gather target intelligence.
- Designing and specifying physical security measures for effective performance against terrorist armed attack and IED delivery scenarios.
- Developing effective entry control measures for validating, screening, and searching entrants at facility and building entry points.
- Identifying hazardous devices, possible device components, and risks associated with hazardous devices.
- Designing and specifying protective measures and facility improvements for mitigation of projected charge weapon, IED, chem-bio, and IEMI attacks.
- Developing an effective mail screening and security program.
- Recognizing indications of terrorist attack or impending terrorist events.
- Developing a facility-level Incident Command System and designing effective infrastructure to support emergency response operations.
- Developing safe and effective procedures for responding to a full spectrum of terrorist attack scenarios.
- The Certified Anti-Terrorism Officer
- ATO Skills
- IACSP cATO Certification Process
- Introduction to Terrorism
- Ideological Motives & Actors
- Strategic Objectives
- Types of Terrorist Targets
- Target Selection Criteria
- Categories of Terrorism Related Risk
- Terrorist Planning and Execution Phases
- Threat: Explosive Attacks
- Types of Explosive Devices
- Blast Dynamics
- Technical Characteristics of Explosives
- Common Explosives
- Unique IED Construction Methods
- Activation
- Device Concealment
- Damage Potential
- IED Delivery and Attack Scenarios
- Projected Charge Weapons
- Installation Devices
- Unique Terrorist M.O.
- Threat: Chemical & Biological Terrorism
- Why Use CB Agents?
- Historical CB Terrorists & Incidents
- Threat: Chemical & Biological Terrorism (cont.)
- Terrorist vs Military Agents
- Routes of Exposure
- Symptoms
- Chemical Agents
- Agents of Biological Origin
- Dissemination of CB Agents
- Chemical & Biological Terrorist Attack Scenarios Against Facilities/Orgs
- Risk Management & Anti-Terrorism Security Planning
- Risk Management Principles
- Integrated Countermeasures Strategy
- Adapting Risk Management Strategy to Application
- Operations Security (OPSEC) & Protective Counterintelligence
- Terrorist Intelligence Requirements
- Terrorist Intelligence Collection Methods
- Information Security
- Employee/Contractor Screening & Monitoring
- Surveillance Detection Measures
- Suspicious Activity Reporting & Analysis
- Physical Security & Entry Control
- Physical Protection System (PPS) Theory & Design Principles
- Intrusion Detection & Attack Recognition Systems
- Physical Security & Entry Control (cont.)
- Area Surveillance
- Officer Posts & Patrols
- IED Delivery Indicators
- Control Rooms
- Barriers
- Anti-Personnel Barriers
- AP Barriers & Delay Time
- Intrusion-Resistance Standards
- Ballistic Barrier Construction & Specification
- Protective Layer Design
- Façade and Entrance Design
- Secure Lobby Design
- Safe Rooms
- Anti-Personnel Barriers
- Egress Design
- Response Force Planning
- Personnel Selection & Training
- Tactical Response Strategies
- Vehicle Barriers
- Vehicle Entry Point Design
- Entry Control
- Planning Considerations
- Entrant Verification Methods & Applications
- Contraband Screening Technologies
- Human Entry Screening Procedures
- SPBIED Detection and Containment
- Vehicle Entry Screening Procedures
- Facility Design and Mitigative Measures
- Limiting Concealment Opportunities
- Protection Against Projected Charge Attacks
- UAVBIED/Drone Countermeasures
- Blast Mitigation & Facility Design
- Minimizing Fragmentation Hazards
- Blast Walls
- Structural Design to Mitigate Progressive Collapse
- Façade Construction & Fenestration
- Emergency Access & Evacuation Requirements
- Protection of Building Subsystems
- Utilization & Protective Asset Positioning
- Chemical & Biological Attack Risk Mitigation
- Measures for Protection Against Contaminated Consumable Attacks
- HVAC System Protection
- Facility Design
- ColPro & HVAC Filtration Systems
- IEMI Protection
- Conducted IEMI Protection
- Radiated IEMI Protection
- Mail Security
- Mail Security Planning
- Physical Mail Screening
- Mail Screening Technologies
- Response to Hazardous Mailings
- Suspect Mail Bomb Response
- Response to Contaminated Mailings
- Response to Terrorist Incidents
- Incident Response Scenarios
- Response Priorities
- Responsibilities & Incident Command Systems
- Communications Systems and Infrastructure Design
- Active Shooter/Terrorist Armed Attack Response Planning
- Bomb Threat Response Planning
- Search and Response Approaches & Procedures
- Response to Suspicious Objects
- Suspicious Vehicle Response
- Alert & Refuge Procedures
- TSWG Evacuation and Refuge Guidelines
- Post-Blast Response
- Localized Bombings
- Conventional Weapon of Mass Destruction Incidents
- Chemical & Biological Attack Response
- Public Safety Response Sequence
- CB Attack Recognition
- Response to Indoor Aerosol/Vapor Attacks
- Emergency Decontamination
- Response to Outdoor Aerosol/Vapor Attacks
- Shelter-In-Place Procedures (CB incidents)
- Shelter-in-Place during Radiological and Nuclear Events
- Shelter-In-Place Procedures (CB incidents)
- Response to Covert CB Attacks
IACSP Certified Anti-Terrorism Officer (cATO®) Professional Certification

In addition to providing 40-hours of instruction on topics essential to protecting facilities against terrorist attack, the S2 Anti-Terrorism Officer (ATO) course is designed to prepare program participants for independent certification through the International Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals Certified Anti-Terrorism Officer (cATO®) Program.
In order to be awarded with the IACSP cATO™ certification, eligible candidates are required to complete and successfully pass a 50-question examination based on content included in the S2 Institute ATO course.
Information about the IACSP Certified Anti-Terrorism Officer application, examination, and certification process is available online: www.catocertification.org.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Attending the S2 Anti-Terrorism Officer course does not guarantee award of IACSP cATO® certification. All course graduates pursuing certification after attending the program must meet essential eligibility criteria and complete the independent application and certification process including successful completion of the cATO® examination.

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S2 ATO Program is adopted by US DoD for training Saudi and American base security personnel

S2 is contracted by US Army to train AT/FP personnel on CONUS military installations

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S2 Anti-Terrorism Officer Program is created
What is an Anti-Terrorism Officer?
As a general definition, an Anti-Terrorism Officer (ATO) is a security or public safety professional that has received training in measures for protecting facilities and organizations against terrorist attack. However, the specific application of the term has different meanings in different organizations. Some private security agencies, such as Critical Intervention Services and Pinkerton, employ this terminology for security guards that have received specific training in anti-terrorism related tasks. The U.S. DoD employs the term “Antiterrorism Officer” to define force protection personnel who have completed specific requirements defined under DoDI O-2000.16.
What is a Certified Anti-Terrorism Officer (cATO®)?
The Certified Anti-Terrorism Officer (cATO®) designation is awarded by the International Association of Counterterrorism and Security Professionals (IACSP) to individuals who meet specific eligibility requirements and complete the cATO® examination. Although the S2 Anti-Terrorism Officer course encompasses the full cATO® body of knowledge, attending the S2 Institute course is not required to obtain certification. Nor does graduating the S2 ATO course guarantee certification. The Certified Anti-Terrorism Officer (cATO®) certification process is independent from the S2 Institute course.
What are the differences between the S2 Institute and U.S. DoD Anti-Terrorism Officer (ATO) courses?
Although the topics and protective measures encompassed in the S2 Institute and DoD Anti-Terrorism Officer courses are similar, the U.S. DoD structures Anti-Terrorism Officer courses into levels in accordance with curriculum defined in DoDI O-2000.16 “Department of Defense (DoD) Antiterrorism (AT) Program Implementation.” The U.S. DoD programs are designed to present information specific to DoD policy, procedures, Unified Facilities Criteria, etc. The S2 ATO program includes much of this information, but also addresses many issues related to soft target facilities, protective approaches and research developed in other nations, and best practices beyond the spectrum of U.S. DoD doctrine.
Is the S2 Institute Anti-Terrorism Officer (ATO) course accepted by the U.S. DoD in substitution for courses defined in DoDI O-2000.16?
Maybe. The S2 Anti-Terrorism Officer course has been accepted in the past by U.S. DoD organizations when DoD courses were unavailable and the Institute has presented the S2 ATO course for U.S. military AT/FP personnel under contract by the U.S. Army. However, the S2 program and courses defined in DoDI O-2000.16 are different and there is no standing “waiver” or “official approval” that we are aware of issued at the DoD-level. If a DoD employee wishes to attend the S2 ATO program in substitution for a mandatory U.S. DoD course, we recommend they investigate within their organization to ensure approval.
What organizations have officially adopted the S2 Institute Anti-Terrorism Officer (ATO) course?
The S2 Anti-Terrorism Officer course is a mandatory training requirement for AT/FP personnel in the Netherlands and Singapore. As such, the program has been issued an official stock number for procurement by the Government of the Netherlands. The S2 course has also been officially adopted as standardized training by several European institutions including the European Commission, Eurojust, and the European Parliament. Special versions of the S2 ATO program have also been developed to serve as standardized training by the European External Action Service and Ministry of Interior of Iraq.
Is the S2 Institute Anti-Terrorism Officer course the same as the Certified Anti-Terrorism Specialist (C.A.T.S.) program?
No. The programs are distinctly different. The S2 Institute Anti-Terrorism Officer course is a 40-hour/5-day program with a global alumni community of over 2,500 professionals since its development in 2004. The Certified Anti-Terrorism Specialist (C.A.T.S.) program is a 24-hour/3-day class administered by Global E2C in Singapore. Global E2C is a private company and issues the C.A.T.S. certification as a credential to all who attend the course. Graduates of the S2 Institute Anti-Terrorism Officer course who wish to receive the Certified Anti-Terrorism Officer (cATO®) designation are required to complete a separate application and examination process. Those who pass the exam are awarded the Certified Anti-Terrorism Officer (cATO®) designation by the International Association of Counterterrorism and Security Professionals (IACSP), a third-party independent from the S2 Institute.
Why doesn’t the S2 Institute issue a certification for attending the Anti-Terrorism Officer course, as Global E2C does for the Certified Anti-Terrorism Specialist (C.A.T.S.)?
All students attending the S2 ATO course receive a certificate of training, but not a “certification.” To provide our graduates with an opportunity to obtain a truly credible certification, we worked with the IACSP to develop the Certified Anti-Terrorism Officer (cATO®) credentialing process including candidate eligibility requirements, peer-reviewed examination, proctored testing procedures, and similar measures. Our aim was to establish a certification process for our graduates with a high standard of credibility. So-called “certification” means very little when issued by a private company with no other requirements than class attendance.
Course Details
Group enrollment discounts are available. Contact us for details.
Craig Gundry
Scandic Palace Hotel
Restriction Level
Level 2 – Verified Security Professionals & Law Enforcement Only
Presentation Time
40-Hrs/5 Days (8:00am to 5:00pm)
Security Professionals, Force Protection Officers, LE Professionals Assigned to Anti-Terrorism Activities
Students that wish to enroll and pay for this course by email should download and complete the S2 Course Enrollment Form (PDF). When completed, email the form with payment information to: info@s2institute.com
Student Testimonials

"In all of my travels and training, military and civilian, I rarely have the pleasure of encountering such professional instructors and presentations. The knowledge possessed and demonstrated by the instructor staff sets the bar for all civilian training agencies to follow…"
J. White
Advanced Training Section, U.S. SOCOM

“The instructor knew all the subjects like the back of his hand…A+++!"
SMSgt G. Enwright
Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, USAF

"The class met all of my expectations and even more."
M. Florescu
National Bank of Romania

"I have had a few terrorism / anti-terrorism classes, but none have come close to the intensity and historical background as the S2 course. Your course is what every law enforcement officer should be taking."
R. Bast
U.S. Department of Treasury

"Really excellent. A lot of practical advice that one can use in one's everyday work. Excellent."
J. Perois
Dolphin Energy

"I thought this course was very well done. The topics very relevant and up to date with what is currently going on. This is definitely a "must take" course for anyone dealing with physical security/anti-terrorism matters."
C. Vernieuw
U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine

"Very interesting course! The in-depth instruction is very high and the knowledge of the instructor is amazing. I think this course is a must for even people already active in the spectrum."
M. Scharding
The Swatch Group

"Very relevant and a must for security professionals in the emerging dynamic services. The program is targeted to address all of the major contemporary security issues globally."
Dr. A. Acidah
Nigeria LNG Limited

“Great stuff! Presentation was of high standard…I personally give thanks to S2 for the opportunity. Thank You!”
F. Gaspar
U.S. Customs Anti-Narcotic Unit

“I think this course is really excellent. I have been involved in AT matters for a number of years, however, I found many new and valuable insights.”
J. Dos Santos
IBM Pacific Asia

“The course is given in a very professional manner. Will highly recommend this course!”
K. Bergwerff
Ministry of Justice, Netherlands

“The class is totally useful and helpful. The instructor is amazing...Perfect. One of the best courses I have ever taken in my professional career.”
Gen. M. Ebeid
American University in Cairo

“Excellent instruction. Very interesting course and professionally presented.”
C. Hodson
Walt Disney Corporation

"The instructor was very knowledgeable and experienced. The course was well prepared and presented.”
A. Logtenberg
European Commission

“This course takes anti-terrorism theory and puts it in a practical perspective. I would rate it very high against the other anti-terrorism training I have had.”
E. Vogt
U.S. DOJ, Federal Bureau of Prisons

“The best training I’ve ever had. Extraordinary trainer. Extremely important.”
M. Cerasoli
European Commission

“I wanted to congratulate and strongly encourage you to continue to raise the bar...my job responsibilities require continuous and active education and training and I must say that your ATO course is one, if not the best I have ever taken.”
A. Baez, M.D.
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine

"Mr. Gundry has to be one of the most knowledgable instructors on terrorism in the country. He lives and breathes anti-terrorism.”
P. Reilly
Palm Beach County Sheriff's Dept.

"I found this course to be extremely informative and thorough...The course is excellent the way it's presented."
S. Cheston
U.S. Dept of Defense

"The overall course was excellent. I would recommend other personnel within security and emergency services to take it."
C. Parrish
U.S. Army

R. Coursey
U.S. Department of State
Enroll now and join the ranks of over 2,500 program graduates worldwide!

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Accra 2019

Accra 2018

Rome 2018

The Hague 2018

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Stockholm 2016

Mumbai 2016

Prague 2016

The Hague 2015

EEAS Brussels 2015

Geneva 2014

Paphos 2014

Stockholm 2013

Singapore 2013

Köln 2013

New York 2013

Singapore 2012

Manila 2013

Leiden 2011

Baghdad 2010

OSCE Baku 2010

Singapore 2010

OSCE Tbilisi 2009

Sydney 2009

Dubai 2008

Tampa 2004
- Nov 09 - 13 2020
- Expired!
- All Day
- Scandic Palace Hotel
- Copenhagen, Denmark