Short biography goes here. Should be no more than two paragraphs providing an overview of the instructor’s background and relationship to S2. See the Craig Gundry profile for an example. Change this text from italic when copy-pasting to normal formatting.
Long biography goes here. Here’s where you can add all the instructor’s credentials. See Craig’s bio page as an example. Change this text from italic when copy-pasting to normal formatting.
If the instructor has articles, list them here using the following format:
Facility Preparation and The Active Shooter Threat (Main Article)
March 17, 2020, Critical Intervention Services
If the instructor has articles posted on this web site, create a section template and change the options in the widget to display the section template. Insert a post grid with the instructor’s articles and add any additional articles using the above format and a text box. See Craig’s instructor page as an example.
If there are no articles, leave this blank.
If the instructor has YouTube media, create a section template and add it here using the template option. See the template for Craig – Media as an example.
If the instructor has no media, leave this tab blank.